Lenkefi Mónika
2 min readApr 15, 2021


There are 5 conspicuous signs of depression
Depression can make people’s lives very bitter, as depression can hinder and limit the daily lives of those affected in many areas. He who suffers from this disease feels that nothing motivates him, he does not feel like anything.

If you know what signs and symptoms to look out for, you can help more easily, and a person with depression really needs it because he or she cannot see that there is a problem and will not ask for help.

Classic symptoms of depression:
1.One of the classic symptoms of depression is persistent fatigue. The affected person feels he or she has no energy that leads him or her to constantly sleep or even sleeps. This is why the work of people with depression can also be put at risk, as many absences are not tolerated by any employer.
2.An depressed person’s appetite can also change, or he eats too little or, conversely, eats too much. As a result, you may lose weight, but you may even struggle with weight problems. Anorexia and obesity also carry dangers, so be sure to lend a helping hand to the depressed people around us.
3.Negative thinking is also part of the lives of depressed people, they typically grieve a lot, often they can’t even articulate what triggers their depression. In many cases, there is no specific reason for their sadness, yet they are tormented by dark thoughts and typically notice only the negatives of life.
4.Depression and hypersensitivity go hand in hand. Those who struggle with depression are very sensitive, vulnerable and thus easily offended. It is likely that the altered hormone levels cause this condition, which already requires the help of a specialist, but many herbs are also suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate depression.
5.Those who suffer from this disease are always concerned only with themselves and their worries. Interestingly, people who are unemployed or who have no goals in life are also often depressed. But it happens that even those who otherwise work and have a family may lose focus, motivation, love of life.



Lenkefi Mónika

Lenkefi Mónika vagyok, jóga, csikung és meditációs oktató, a Jógaoktatók Kézikönyve szerzője, a békéscsabai és gyulai Ízisz Jóga Stúdió alapítója és vezetője.