Stress makes you sick

Lenkefi Mónika
2 min readApr 22, 2021

More people suffer from stress. Stress at work, stress at home, a lot of stress at leisure — this is almost part of everyday life these days. From the student to the working mother to the manager, most people meet the challenges of modern life under pressure. Burnout is often the consequence, and it has almost become a popular disease. Yet the word “stress” was completely unknown 100 years ago.

What is a stress?
Stress is the body’s natural reaction to a challenge, and there is a developmental biological explanation for it: in the past, it was vital for the body to mobilize itself when in danger and prepare for a fight or escape (in some situations this is the case today). Heart rate and blood pressure rise, all senses are sharpened, breathing speeds up, muscles tense. The body releases stress hormones and they provide extra energy during its later fraction — we can react with lightning speed.

Stress is triggered by internal and external stimuli and brings us to our peak form. The problem with a lot of stressful situations today is that our organization rarely has to respond with a fight or an escape — certainly not at work or family tensions. If internal pressure cannot be relieved, the body will be exposed to persistent radio voltage — the consequences between burnout and major organ disease.

Positive stress is healthy
Many people dream of a stress-free life. However, a completely stress-free life is undesirable. Positive stress enhances attention and helps with test performance without causing harm. Motivates and increases productivity when you successfully complete tasks.

If the stress has become negative
As so often, stress all depends on the dose: you can only consider stress negative if it occurs too often and without physical balance. Negative stress can feel threatening and depressing. You have to do a thousand things at once — and you know exactly that you can’t do your tasks. And suddenly run out of power…

Symptoms of stress
Chronic stress makes you sick. When energy reserves are depleted, performance and concentration abilities are reduced. Irritability, nightmares, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal problems, and high blood pressure are also symptoms of stress. In addition, chronic stress weakens the immune system and favors heart disease, lung disease, and back pain. The dreaded peak of stress is burnout syndrome.

Stress relief
Different relaxation methods and sports can help relieve the tension you feel in a stressful situation. Be careful not to let yourself be stressed even in your free time. Think about it: moderation can even be helpful. Accepting this will help you better manage stress and even feel motivating in some “stressful” situations.



Lenkefi Mónika

Lenkefi Mónika vagyok, jóga, csikung és meditációs oktató, a Jógaoktatók Kézikönyve szerzője, a békéscsabai és gyulai Ízisz Jóga Stúdió alapítója és vezetője.