The best vitamins for sleep

Lenkefi Mónika
2 min readApr 22, 2021

Many don’t even think there can be a link between insomnia, poor sleep and vitamin deficiency. Lack of individual vitamins can be a problem not only in the quantity but also in the quality of sleep.

Health consequences of sleep deprivation
Restful sleep at night plays a key role in our health, if it suffers from this disorder, we have to reckon with a wide range of health problems in our body. Nowadays, when we are under a lot of stress, this problem can be a challenge for many of our fellow human beings. Research has reported that poor sleep can even increase the risk of death. Anyone who sleeps seven hours or less a day is at risk of developing several chronic diseases. Improper sleep can have many causes, such as stress, but in the absence of each vitamin, it can linger in the background.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a prominent role in immune defense, but it can also be used for proper sleep. It is always elegant for our body to come from this vitamin, we can often struggle with sleep problems as in the absence of this to interrupt sleep.

The iron

Iron essentially has a role to play in delivering oxygen to our cells, which is why we can often feel tired and exhausted in iron deficiency. But it has also played a role in the development of so-called restless legs syndrome, which causes us to wake up several times a night and find it difficult or impossible to fall back asleep.


Magnesium allows the production of melatonin, also known as sleep hormone. Not everyone has the right amount of magnesium in our body, so elegant melatonin is not produced, so this fundamentally affects the outcome of sleep. Magnesium also relieves muscle tension and has a positive effect on the nervous system, which together help to create restful sleep.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin not only helps in energy production, but also has a positive effect on the nervous system and blood cells. Low vitamin B12 levels may not cause fatigue and sleep disturbances, but permanent numbness and tingling, which can also make quality sleep more difficult.



Lenkefi Mónika

Lenkefi Mónika vagyok, jóga, csikung és meditációs oktató, a Jógaoktatók Kézikönyve szerzője, a békéscsabai és gyulai Ízisz Jóga Stúdió alapítója és vezetője.